Monday, April 23, 2012

T is for Timing

T is for Timing
In my life things have not worked out on my personal time clock. I got married young (19), and my husband and I thought we were way ahead of the game. We would have children young and be laughing at everyone else who was struggling with young ones as we enjoyed our forties as empty-nesters.
We thought we were being so smart. And then something completely unexpected happened.  I wasn’t able to have children right away. In fact it wasn’t until after our third anniversary that we had our first child. And that was only the beginning. Our next one didn’t come for another eight years. Eight years of trying, fighting, crying, and struggling with just about everyone, God included.
And then our third came, a little over two years ago.
I laugh when I think about that, as some of my friends who are empty-nesters are watching me chase after our toddler. I don’t laugh because I wish I was them. I laugh because I wouldn’t have it any other way.  


  1. I'm glad you got there in the end, even though the little ones didn't arrive when you'd expected :)

  2. Your thoughts bring to mind the song In His Time.
