I can’t believe it’s the last Friday
of January, but it is and here we are, at another Five Year Goal Review day.
For those of who don’t know what I’m talking about, The Five Year Goal is a
monthly blog hop put on by Misha Gerrick (thanks Misha for putting this on!) where you make
a long term goal (five years) and work towards it, posting your progress on the
last Friday of each month. I started this venture a little over a year ago, so
I’m a little vested.
My goal is to have a world class
publishing company.
A little history:
My husband and I started Black and
White Publishing Co. several years ago, but at that time we did not actively seek
out other authors. Honestly, I didn’t think we had anything to offer a person
that they couldn’t (with a little time and research) do for themselves. Face
it. Today you can hire an editor, a cover designer, someone to format your
book, and someone else to market it. In five minute you can upload your book
onto Amazon, Nook, Kobo, iTunes and in ten you can be earning royalties,
without someone like me taking a cut of anything. I care about authors. I want
them to succeed. Why would I stick my hand into something they don’t need me
to? And then *Ubooks came along. This is something authors can’t do for
themselves. This is something only Black and White can offer. Last Spring we offered
our first contract to an author besides me. Now we are up to seven, some with
multiple books in contract. This is such an exciting time for us. It’s still in
the beginning, still at the top of the hill, still pushing the boulder with two
hands, barely inching forward. But it is moving.
I can’t wait to see it fly.
*Ubooks are a patent pending book
format where books are set on video feed with or without audio. Check them out
at setbooksfree.org