Friday, May 3, 2013

Reflections of A to Z 2013

This is my third consecutive year of participating in Arlee’s brainchild; the infamous A to Z. But this is the first year I’ve really gotten into it. Not the posting part; the visiting part. So, needless to say, this was the first year I really got IT.

And what do I mean by IT?

I got to meet all of you.
I saw some amazing handmade maps, read about an awesome pregnant woman who runs miles every day, praising God the entire time; I read stories that kept me coming back every day, begging for more; I leaned 26 new ology words and words I cannot pronounce. I learned that it was cool to grow up in the 80’s. I saw a man get hundreds of comments on his own blog, but still manage to come to mine to encourage me. I learned that Greek Myth is both fascinating and depressing. I saw beautiful pictures from people’s backyards and from their trips around the world. I was introduced to books, lovely, amazing books, and received generous tips on how to market my own.  I met an incredible woman, counting down to retirement, listing off all she wants to accomplish when she gets there; but from reading her blog she seems to already be doing most of it. Amazing. Each and every one of you.

You took the time to come back to my site, read my stories, and encourage me.  Thank you. And a special thank you to Matt MacNish for including me as one of his minions.
I know Arlee and all the co-hosts of A to Z have promised to read each and every one of these posts, so I want to take this opportunity to say thank you. Thank you for coming up with this crazy way to bring us all together. You’re doing a great job. Don’t change a thing


  1. You did a wonderful job this year! And thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedule to stop by my blog daily and showing me AtoZ love!
    The co-hosts are brilliant and awesome bloggers and people for sure!

  2. Congrats on the completion of the challenge and a wonderful reflection post.
    I enjoyed yours from start to finish despite the hiccup but I hope that has been resolved.


  3. There were some amazing themes out there. I may have gained an IQ point from all the information!
    Don't think I made it here every day to read your stories, but I tried. They were very engaging.

  4. I'm happy that I found your blog during the challenge. It's definitely much more fun when you reach out and visit others. This blogging community is truly awesome!

  5. I agree. It feels like on big family! :)

  6. The real fun is in visiting other people. Happy you discovered that!

  7. You did an amazing job, every day. I'm glad I met you through A-Z!

  8. Huge congrats to finishing! You're amazing!

  9. I really should have included some of the happier Greek Myths, although they are very few! I loved your posts, you have a way with words :)

  10. Thank you for taking the time to be a minion.(that word always reminds me of Megamind)I enjoyed visiting you often and expect I will continue to do so. I'm so glad we got to know each other a little.

  11. It was a great challenge! I didn't join this year but I enjoyed reading the posts, so many creative bloggers out there ;)

  12. I didn't get to visit as many blogs this year due to having to focus on my schoolwork, but it was fun getting to meet other bloggers and see the interesting themes.

  13. I'm glad to have bumped into you and formed a more solid relationship. Great going, Melanie!

  14. Congrats on the finish!! I really enjoyed reading your blog.

  15. You really did an amazing job in getting around to blogs, and commenting. I know I saw your name in a few places I visited.

  16. Nice tribute to this very fun challenge.

  17. Hi Melanie, great tribute to the A-Z Challenge and its hosts.

  18. Congratulations on a successful finish!

  19. I'm really happy that we connected Melanie. I look forward to reading more of your wonderful writing!

    Writer In Transit

  20. For me, meeting new people is the absolute best part of A to Z!
