A couple of years ago my daughter was in this play where she was casted as Damsel of the first order, no other name, no other title.
During the production her only job was to run out on stage every few minutes or so with her fellow damsels, singing loudly:"In distress, in distress, we're damsels in distress. We wish that we were stronger but were damsel's in distress!" Then they would all run off the stage leaving the audience laughing hysterically. That was the whole point, comedy relief.
Are we doing that with our female characters? Are they only showing up briefly with the same old lines, waiting to be rescued? Now don't get me wrong. I love a strong male characer who cherishes and protects the woman her loves, but... But only if it's on occasion. And only if the female has more than one line. Not only: "In distress, in distress, we're damsels in distress. We wish that we were stronger, but we're damsels in distress."
I wonder what play she was in. This probably applies to several. So sad that things really haven't changed that much and men are still rescuing women in plays and movies. The fact that you are both a nurse and a writer is a shining example of a strong woman role model for your children. Julie