Saturday, April 4, 2015

A to Z: D is for Dead Drunk

For A to Z 2015 I will be posting flash fiction, all random, all the crazy musings of a crazy mind. Hope you like them.
D is for Dead Drunk
The man stumbled to the side, gripping the side of the wall as he went. There were others there, but they were in the same state, which explains why they didn’t notice. He faltered again, that time to the floor, that time to his end.
Some noticed then.
Noticed his hand gripping his side, noticed his blood spilled on the ground. Noticed the door in the back close, the door to the alley just behind the bar.


  1. Sounds like the start of a TV crime show. And also very sad because the scene could be real.

  2. Murder!!!

    Oh, that was good. It held me to the end. That would make a great beginning to a crime story.

  3. I agree with the comments above, and I love this: "all random, all the crazy musings of a crazy mind" ... this sounds like a true description of a writer!

  4. D for dark! Great one. Glad you're doing this for A-Z. I've missed your flash fiction. :)

  5. That brings a whole other definition to "Dead Drunk".

  6. This sounds like it could be a small scene in a much bigger story. I'd love to know what happened before and after. :-)

    Cait @ Click's Clan

  7. Hello there.
    This is the second flash fiction I've come across for the letter "D". So much can be read into this. I'm always in awe of ones who can say so much in so few words. Thanks for sharing.

    Entrepreneurial Goddess
