Friday, September 13, 2013

Celebrate and Express

This week was hectic at first, but as it went on, seemed to smooth out a bit. I tend to buck against routines, that's why I love summer vacation so much, but it turns out I need them. You would not believe all I accomplished this week! And not just with my book, with everything. So that's what I'm celebrating this week: That doing something I hate (aka a schedule) ended up being the very best thing for me.

The question for the week is: Name something crafty that you do, or wish you did: The person I am is outcome focused. If it does not serve a purpose, than I don't do it. I don't have roses in my garden, I have rose plants, because they make huge rosehips that I can use in the teas I make. And I don't do puzzles, because you just take them apart. What's the point in that? I knit mittens instead. They have a purpose, they are useful.
Besides for my family, my making things tends to be for Christmas. We always give/receive homemade Christmas gifts, usually from our garden. I usually make the mittens I was talking about earlier, or teas from the dried herbs from my garden, or bay leaf wreathes, and jam; stuff like that. It's not really crafty, just something I do. 


  1. I don't know how to make mittens, so I think that's crafty.
    I just noticed your left side bar - hope you enjoyed it! I'll find out next Monday I guess...

  2. That's why I always do a timetable for myself, otherwise I don't get anything done!

  3. My life would drive you nuts, as i have no routine at all.

  4. I love crafts. I can crochet and sew (though I haven't indulged in these two activities for a long time...).
    And next on my craft agenda is beading and mosaics...
    Writer In Transit

  5. I have tried mittens but I am not so talented... I am stuck with the simplest of sweaters. :)

    Have a great weekend and an awesome week ahead

  6. That's an awesome thing to celebrate. I don't have a routine usually, but I'll set goals for myself (daily, weekly, monthly). Sometimes I even accomplish them.

    My mother knits mittens using a pattern that my great grandmother used to use to knit mittens for soldiers back in World War II. I have no knitting talent whatsoever.

  7. If I'd craft anything, I'd love to have the energy, time and resources to craft those wacky Fantasy swords that populate conventions and Youtube. It seems like a great way to spend free time and energy.

  8. My routine it to be as disorganised as the last. I don't mean it, or like it, but I can't be anyone else. I do try to have goals though... get there at some point in some way. Enjoy the week ahead.


  9. Yeah, I actually like routines. Not every little detail planned perfectly but I like knowing what to expect of my days lol Glad you were able to accomplish a lot! Enjoy your weekend ;)

  10. Book 2 on November 1? {{Does the happy dance}}

    I wished I knew how to make candles. It just seems like it would be fun.

    1. Jai-you make me smile.
      Actually candles aren't that hard- unless you're talking the dip the wick, let it sit and cool and dip over and over again. They're kind of complicated. The other kind you just melt the wax, scent it, and pour it in a mold.

  11. I really like crafting things, especially with my kids. But, I don't know how to knit or crochet--but my mother does. One of these days, I'm going to sit down and have her teach me. It'll probably take a while, but I'd really like to learn. Right now, she's crocheting baskets using plarn. (:

  12. Routine can be good, but I always like to be shaken up a little too. Surprises, even when they aren't always welcome, often shake loose the inspiration you're looking for.

  13. Good job settling in and getting your writing stuff done.

    Have a good weekend.


  14. I'm terrible at making schedules too, even though I desperately need them! I am so easily distracted and the most disorganized person on earth LOL. Congrats on accomplishing so much!

    Just stopping in from the Celebrate hop - great to meet you!

  15. Growth is never easy or quick! And usually the hardest things for us are those things we hate. Glad you realized the benefit of those schedules, and that you learn to enjoy them enough to keep your effectiveness constant.

    Gardening is so much work! That's something I'd not want to do. The thing I hate is upkeep, and gardening needs a lot of that. :) They are beautiful, though. So if I ever get one, it'll have to come with a gardener. Writer’s Mark

  16. When I make a schedule, I usually get lots of writing done, but lately I haven't been able to stick to it. Ugh.

  17. Practical craftiness sounds like a good thing. :)

  18. I have found that the more often I do something I hate, the more I learn how to just plow through life and be productive even when I don't want too. I have days, of course, when I don't get as much done as I want to because I don't have the mental energy, but all in all, forcing myself to work when i don't want too is a good thing to learn!

  19. Sometimes it's good to get through these tasks we don't really like isn't it as they can help us. Glad the schedule worked out for you!
