Wednesday, May 4, 2016


First Wednesday of the Month
Welcome. Today is the first Wednesday of the month, which makes it IWSG time. Thanks to Alex J. Cavanaugh and co-hosts for putting this on each month.
I'm trying to get back into a somewhat normal routine after all the April craziness. You know the whole it takes three weeks to form a habit thing? Well A to Z lasted four, so my mind is telling me I have to crank out Ubooks like crazy. And that's good, I do, just not with quite the fervor I did in April, because there are other things to get done. Like laundry. So my insecurity this month is this: figuring out how to get a normal life again after A to Z.
Any suggestions?
And, if A to Z weren't enough, my short story, Haunted, was released into the world yesterday as part of IWSG's Anthology: Parallels: Felix Was Here.  You can get it here:
See you on Friday!



  1. Congratulations on the anthology, Melanie. I had a couple of days to recoup after the Challenge and then I belted out a new short story - it helped to do something new. I am putting off doing the stuff that takes more concentration though. But he-ho, I've just done a marathon so I'm not beating myself up about it - too much :):)

  2. You know you can produce them quickly now.

    I loved your story in the anthology. The title fit it perfectly.

  3. Your story is great, and I'm thrilled to be a part of this anthology with you!

  4. Don't worry, the normal life will come back!
    Congratulations to you and all the authors.

  5. Congrats on finishing the challenge and on Haunted. It's an excellent story.

  6. Congrats on completing the challenge. Like Alex said, that normal life will be back soon enough.

    Also, congrats on the anthology!

  7. Hi, Melanie! I'm making the rounds as an IWSG co-host today, and I commiserated with your desire to find normalcy after April! Good luck! I hope it comes to you sooner rather than later! When I feel overwhelmed by things that have piled up at home when I've been occupied otherwise, I just start with the closest thing to me and move to the next and the next, until I've cleared my mind enough to prioritize. I have enough experience to know that the priorities will surface! A number of people have featured the anthology today, and I can't wait to read it! Congrats and good luck!

  8. Practice practice practice.


    Normal constantly adapts to what we do each day, and you know it only takes 21 days to form a habit. Hope you have great discipline.

  9. You'll get back into routine with practice. In the meantime, maybe try putting up reminders of the other things you need to do (such as laundry)? Then you'll be less likely to fall out of routine. :-)

  10. Well, you could think of the A to Z as a month out of your life, where you couldn't or didn't get done other things (like laundry) that are important. So now, you spend the extra time you did on the A to Z on getting those things done. When things are more in control, you can make new goals and a new plan (or rearrange your time to fit in with your 'master plan').

  11. Like you said, habits can be good for writing; it's like exercise, because once you get used to doing it, it's easier to do it. But on the other hand, since the A to Z thing is a lot of work, maybe you could take a break to relax and recharge, at least for a few days. Then you'd feel refreshed when you go back to work.
