For this year’s A to Z, I will be doing a collection of flash fiction featuring Steven, the MC from Blackbird, from right before he came to Newstead through his first week there.

Z is for In the Zone
giving me a schedule, he left me alone. I see now that was intentional. Foltz
knew how right there I was; I just needed time to let it come to me. And that’s
what he gave me: Time.
closed my eyes and let that part come out, the part I’ve always known about,
but tried to keep hidden, the part Foltz seemed to know about, too. It doubled
me over, the force of it, like it had been right there, just waiting to be
I sank
to my knees.
when I saw them, all of them: reds, blues, yellows, and greens. They were
inside classrooms, out in the woods. They were everywhere, getting ready.
now I was ready, too.
Read more about Steven at Newstead in Blackbird, now available at Amazon
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