This is the last Friday of the month, which makes it time to check in with the Five Year Goal, which for me is to have the Newstead Books be the next great American novel(s). Thanks to Misha for hosting this. If you have some goals yourself and you’d like to join in this adventure, you can sign up here
Things have been going well. Revenge of the
Rephaim and Blackbird are being released simultaneously on May 1st,
which is really exciting. Both of these books have been near and dear to my
heart and I can’t wait to share them with you. That just leaves two more books
in the Newstead Anthem to write. Two books I haven’t started yet. I have ideas,
and notes, but nothing solid. And I probably won’t for at least until the end
of April. When I write I tend to get all in, and I know I won’t be able to do
that with A to Z.
How about you? Do you have any goals you’d like to
Also, speaking of A to Z, I have a Rafflecopter that will be running throughout the month of April, with some really great prizes.
a Rafflecopter giveaway