Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Indie Life, What's Up Wednesday

Second Wednesday Each Month

This is the second Wednesday of the month, so that means it's officially Indie Life time. I'm also doing What's up Wednesday today, and both will have the same theme. Blogging. If you're here, you're already familiar with it, but I know from the conversations I've had with people that not everyone who follows other bloggers has a blog of their own. That surprised me. Why don't they? Time for one, and maybe--dare I say it-- shyness? Even if it's a virtual world, it's still self-disclosure and for some people that's hard. For me that's hard. I try to tell myself no one I'll see on a daily basis will read what I post, but that's just not true. I've run into friends I haven't seen since high school who begin like we're mid-conversation, and it's about something I've posted. After that first happened I realized blogging is more powerful than Facebook, more personal than Twitter. So, what am I up to this Wednesday? Blogging. What have I been working on? Getting my A to Z flash fiction ready for April. What's inspiring me lately?
All of you.

What are you up to this Wednesday?

Every Wednesday


  1. I have quite a few followers who don't have blogs, so I just follow their Google+ profiles.

  2. I don't have a Facebook or Twitter account. I believe blogging is enough social media, for me. It's also my favorite way to get to know all kinds of people, from all over the globe.

  3. I have a couple friends who read my blog, but not many.

  4. I stepped away from blogging some. I don't think anyone I know read it. I know my fans don't. They told me they don't unless i have a new book about to come out, then they'll nose about to see if it's out yet.

  5. I like how you contrasted blogging with Facebook and Twitter; I think that's true. The thing about Twitter is that you can get personal, but only 140 characters at a time. On the other hand, it's easier for me to come up with a few Tweets a day than more than one blog post a week.

  6. I could give up every other social media before blogging. Working on my A to Z posts too this week.

  7. Sorry I missed commenting on the Wormfest. It worries me that we may have lost all the basic knowledge of how things work. At one time people would undertake apprenticeships, many of which have disappeared. If, for some reason, we needed to regain the many capabilities that were once taken for granted we'd really be in a fix.
    I've not tried Facebook or Twitter. Blogging is keeping me so busy I doubt if I'll bother with anything else!
