Friday, June 14, 2013

How to Publish and Promote Your Book Now!

Today I’m doing a review of the book: How to Publish and Promote Your Book Now! by L. Diane Wolfe.

This book caught my attention some time ago, because I’m very much a newbie at this whole promoting thing. I first found Wolfe’s blog during A to Z where Spunk on a Stick, the name L. Diane is affectionately called, listed promotional tips. They were all brief and relevant, making me have high hopes her book would be the same.

I was not disappointed.

I bought the ebook copy, and probably tagged at least half the chapters to refer to later. It’s that good. I’m sure if I had the book variety, there would be yellow post-its sticking out everywhere. There are 87 chapters ranging from editing to book trailers and everything else you could think of, all are concise with lots of web addresses to keep you going long after you’re done with the book. All that was great, really great, but let’s face it, there are a lot of books out there in this area you could choose from- why should this one stand out? For me it was personality. Spunk’s wit and humor and encouragement shine through on every page. She’s like your own personal little cheerleader telling you every step of the way that you can do this. And then she shows you how. Thanks so much for this book!
Her blog:


  1. Melanie, thank you!! I'm delighted you enjoyed it so much. And I'm pleased to know that my personality comes through in the words. I hope it gives you many good ideas.

  2. Great review! Her book had lots of good tips.

  3. Diane is full of great information. Thanks for the review of it, Melanie.

  4. Sounds good. I'll have to check it out.

  5. It's great to read a review about a reference book that gives good concrete examples. I've had Diane's book on my 'must buy list' for a while. Thanks for the review. (:

  6. Thanks for sharing, Melanie. I think I need to invest in Diane's book!

  7. Sounds like this would be a great resource for me as well. Thanks for the share!

  8. I need to finish a draft first, then this book was on my purchase wish list already. Glad to know it will be a good choice.


  9. I really need to get a hold of Diane's book! Great review.

  10. Sounds like the kind of advice we all could benefit from.

  11. Diane's book is chock-full of interesting stuff. I'm reading it slowly, so as to absorb and digest the contents.
    I'm also going to return to certain sections...

    Writer In Transit

  12. Yep, I think I prefer the paper copy for books like this so it's quick and easy to refer back to those golden passages.
