Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Wednesday Update

In May, Black and White will begin accepting submissions for those authors who would like to have their work published as a *Ubook. The beauty of publishing this way is that there really are no rules. 15,000 word novel? Fine.  Everything in verse? Even better. I don’t know about you, but I’m kind of sick of all the rules, anyway. Who set these word counts? Who broke up writing into all these genres and then sub-genres? What I’m looking for is writing, really good writing. It can be flash fiction, children’s picture books, poetry, even full length novels. And it can even be something that’s already been published elsewhere, depending on your contract with your publisher.  *Ubooks are not meant to compete with what’s already out there—they’re meant to be a whole new way for readers to enjoy the experience.  I’ll be posting more details in upcoming Wednesday posts, but for now, here is a taste with this week’s Ubooks.
The Newstead Project, chapter seven:

The Newstead Project, chapter five, narrated by Nathan Moran:

*A Ubook is a book on video synced to music. The words appear at a reading pace and the music is there to enhance the experience, just like in movies. The idea is so groundbreaking there’s a patent pending on it. And best of all? It’s free.


  1. The music really adds a suspenseful spooky quality. Good luck.

  2. Great project...very revolutionary. Good luck to everyone who submits!
