Wednesday, February 3, 2016


It’s time for IWSG—where writers gather in support of each other. Thanks to Alex J. Cavanaugh and co-hosts for putting this on. If you’d like to join the fun, you can sign up here.

Last month was crazy, and this month seems to be starting off the same way. I’m a laid back person, and frankly I’m proud of that. I secretly love the fact that my day is completely unscheduled. It’s been a source of pride for me for years that I could still get things done that way. Well, as I said at the beginning of this post, last month was crazy. Things didn’t get done. Time slipped away from me. So I—gasp—bought an organizer. You know—one of those things where you schedule up your life? Yes. I am thirty-nine and thus far I have done just fine without one.  


Here’s to growing up.  


Not only is it IWSG, it’s also a Wednesday, which makes it Ubook time.  Here is this week’s installment:

The Newstead Project, chapter five



  1. Replies
    1. A digital book enhanced with music--and it's free. Hope you enjoy it!

  2. I never organized like that until I started a blog. Never too late I guess.

  3. Replies
    1. Hi Diane, Glad to have you visit. A Ubook is a digital book enhanced with music. I release a chapter a week--all free. Hope you enjoy.

  4. I should get an organizer because my memory has gone to pot, but with my luck, I'd lose it.

  5. Organization is a good thing!
    I like your Ubook - very interesting concept!

  6. I've used an organizer for years. Then again, that is my gift - I'm super organized. I hope your planner helps you.

  7. I've used organizers for years. I wish I could get by without them, but my brain is too scattered to trust it to remember everything.

  8. You can never be too organised! I LOVE organisers and lists...and colour-coding them too!

    Rachel Pattinson
    February IWSG Co-host

  9. I bought my first organizer when I had my third child. Too many schedules to keep track of. Now my kids are grown I need it to keep my own life straight.

  10. Good luck with your organiser! I hope it helps :)

  11. I was really organized when I was teaching. But once retired with all my boxes in the garage, I gave it up. Just now opening those boxes.

  12. I have a planner I use on occasion but end up sticking appointments on the refrigerator, anyway.
    Things tend to overwhelm me quickly and even just glimpsing a full "to-do" list can cause anxiety.

  13. I like planners, but tend to use the ones on my computer the most. I have several of the hand carrying kind, but only use them for short time then stop. I like the idea, even if I can't implement it, lol. Happy Belated IWSG Day
    Juneta Writer's Gambit

  14. I bought one of those Passion Planners, but I ended up deciding it was just too much work. I'm all about planning...but if I'm supposed to work toward my five-year goal every day and justify what I'm doing to reach it... Plus, putting it on paper made it far too hard to make changes and what I would have written January 1st would have changed based on some feedback I got this week about a new thing I was going to try.
