Monday, December 3, 2012


Today I want to talk about balance.
When I first started writing, it was like an obsession for me, it was all I thought about, talked about and of course all I did. Whenever I had a spare second I was writing, on my computer, notepad, anything.  While that passion is good, it wasn’t so good for my family and my other (important) commitments. Now, about two and a half years into this venture, I can say I’ve learned a thing or two. Writing is important, it is part of who I am, but only a part. I am also a wife, so my husband deserves to have me be wholly there when we’re together. The same goes for my kids.
But balance isn’t just about people; there were whole aspects of my life I was squandering in my pursuit of being a writer. Like gardening. I love gardening and this last summer I got into it again and a thousand other things I don’t have time to mention. Balance.
And my writing? I think it’s better than ever because I haven’t neglected everything else in my life in pursuit of it.


  1. Great post. I skimped on my exercising for a few years while I was launching my writing career, but now I'm back into it.

  2. Excellent! It is about balance. Writing should compliment our lives, not become it.

  3. For me the only times I feel like I've got some semblance of balance in my life is when I'm organized. But even that requires balance and constant readjustment. Great post. (:
