Friday, December 26, 2014

Writing Spaces

What does your writing space look like? Mine used to be in my bedroom room right next to a window that overlooked my side yard where I had my roses. Notice I said used to. That's the one thing I lost in this move was my writing space. For the time being we've made a makeshift space out in the living room. With three kids you can imagine how much I'm getting done there. So today we're going out to find a desk, a small desk to fit in the corner of my small room where I can look out at the side yard at the garden I hope to plant later this summer. Any suggestions on what I can do to make this space feel more writerly? (Is that even a word?)

By the way, Merry Christmas everyone!


  1. I'm pretty sure writerly is a word. I think a new desk with be inspiring. I love being surrounded by my 'things' on my writing desk.

  2. My writing space is where ever I can get ten minutes to write. I want to set up a place just for that, but I'm very limited on space, and about to get more limited in the coming year.

    I don't know about making your space more writerly. I know what works for me: a place free from distraction, and only writing utensils available.

  3. Melanie,
    I sit at our kitchen table by a big bay window to the back yard. My son is out of college and has his own space and my daughter is still in school. The house is a little quieter, but even when they are home for a visit, I still sit here because I don't feel shut away when I'm writing. To make it a little more welcoming, I have a nice vase of flowers right behind my laptop screen. If the kids are in the family room watching something on TV, I use a nice set of earphones with soft music playing. Again, I'm still with them but we are all enjoying doing our thing. I met three book deadlines in 2014 so I guess the arrangement works for me.

  4. You could put a couple of your favorite books there, or you could put up quotes by your favorite authors on Post-it notes or something like that above your desk. That's what I like to do. I don't like to write at my desk, though; my window looks out on the parking lot and other people's apartments, which is why I always keep the shades closed.
