Black and White Submissions Continued...
So, what are we looking for? At Black and White we publish exclusively in *Ubooks; therefore we publish what works best with that format. Currently that means: picture books, flash fiction collections, poetry, short stories, and novellas. We will also publish full length novels, but their chapters need to be short and concise.
For Authors:
Genres: Again, I'm looking for what works with Ubooks. Suspense is good, as well as romance. Mystery and thrillers are great.Futuristic and Sci-Fi? Sure. Basically anything that will bring a reader back chapter after chapter, story after story. No erotica or occult, please.
Length: Doesn't matter. It can be a one page short story; that's okay, as long as it's well written. Voice and originality are what's important. Ubooks are original, therefore the stories displaying them should be as well. There are no rules, just very, very good stories.
How to submit: Email the first five (if there are five) pages of your story as well as a cover letter explaining what the story is about and your plans for it to me ( Please also include your social media history, as this is very important for Ubooks. If you have a really amazing story I'd be willing to overlook the social media thing. That's what the marketing director is for.
Illustrators: Please forward me ( up to five pictures of your work that you feel best captures your skills, as well as a letter describing your experience and social media history.
Musicians: Please forward samples of your work to me ( as well as your experience and social media history.
*Ubook is a patent pending book format where the book is a video played at reading speed and enhanced with mood-stirring music.
If I wasn't so busy, I'd consider submitting a musical piece...