Today is the last Friday
of the month, which makes it Five Year Project review time. If you feel like
joining in, you can sign up here.
My goal for the five
year project is to establish a world-class publishing company. I figure if you’re
going to dream go big, am I right?
So, how’s it going?
I’m almost too busy to
know. I’ve been working on my pieces of flash for A to Z (starts next
Wednesday, hope to see you back then), and if that wasn’t enough, I signed up
for Camp NaNo, and I’ve got a small four day vacation thrown in there, too. I
know what you’re thinking, because I’ve been thinking it myself: I must be
insane. Maybe. But at least with NaNo, it’s only a camp version and I decided
to be kind to myself and only sign up for 25,000 words. I just can’t help it,
NaNo is always just the right kick in the butt I need to get projects done (or
started), and I couldn’t let this opportunity pass. So how is it going with the
goal? I don’t know; ask me after April’s over. J