Friday, October 31, 2014

Five Year Project: Monthly Review

Last Friday of the Month
     Today is the last Friday of the month, which makes it time to review my five year goal. For me, it’s to create a publishing company that sets the standard for excellence in this country and around the world.
     So, how is it going? In a word: slow.
     I’m learning. I’m learning to edit, to recognize and develop skills in others, to know when to say no and when to say yes. I’m learning good habits, self-discipline, and priorities. I’m learning what I’m going to need to make this thing a go. Sometimes it feels overwhelming, and sometimes it feels impossible but…
     Every great thing has a start, and that’s what this feels like for me; only a place to start.
How are your goals going?

*On a side note, Happy Halloween everyone! What are your plans? I'm taking the kiddos trick or treating, then ending the night with a bonfire party at my brother-in-law's house. Can't wait! Do you think it's too late to get a costume? And if not, any suggestions?


  1. Very ambitious to start your own company and work with others. Just take it slow and do it right.
    No kids, so will probably watch movies tonight.

  2. A start of your own company? Wow!
    Writing takes time . .. and sometimes it's good to plan ahead. :)
    Costume suggestions - hat+notebook+jacket = detective, bright clashing colors = jester or pirate with a scarf or two artfully arranged, and all black clothes = ninja (although that's not always safe for trick or treating). Have fun tonight!

  3. Starting your own publishing company is very ambitious! I hope it all works out. I wouldn't even know where to start with something like that. Have fun with all of your Halloween plans!!

  4. Happy Halloween. I'm happy to be staying at home for it. Good luck with your big plans.

  5. Good job at working on that challenging goal! I think it takes a great deal of talent and courage to start your own company. It's certainly a commendable goal. My short term goal is to have my new book published before Christmas.
    Hope you found just the right costume for Halloween. We had lots of little visitors tonight.

  6. I updated your goal for you. :-)

    All the best with achieving it!

  7. What a great new goal! Glad to hear you are making progress.

  8. To me the best lessons are the ones we learn slowly. They stay with us and we are forever changed by them :-)

    Anna from Shout with Emaginette
