Monday, September 17, 2012

Today I’m participating in Alex Cavanaugh’s Favorite Genre Blogfest (for all of my regular readers who are wondering what the heck I’m writing about).
Favorite Movie Genre
Actually, my favorite Movie Genre is really a continuation of my favorite Book Genre, so maybe I should have done that one first. I tend to watch movies that have been made of the books I’ve loved. I don’t know if that’s a Genre or not, but it should be: The Book Genre.

Favorite Music Genre
I hate to sound like a politician, but that depends. A lot of it depends on what I’m writing. I get really, really into my characters and tend to listen to what they would. Right now I’m writing Joel, so I’m listening to a lot of Switchfoot and Tenth Avenue North, but there’s some light piano thrown in there, too. Mainly Alternative stuff.
Favorite Book Genre
I read everything. And I’ve loved things in most of the genres out there. What really matters to me is if it’s well written. I can read the back of a box of cereal as long as it’s well written. A little romance doesn’t hurt, though.

Guilty Pleasure Genre
In case you didn’t notice it from above, I like romance. Not a ton, not specifically romance Genre, but it has to be there for me to keep turning the pages. Think Shiver, Twilight, and The Hunger Games.


  1. great list of things... i can agree with some, but then i would have to turn in my man card. i think that made sense?

    Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
    Howlin' Wolf Records: On-Line Magazine

  2. I also took the "politician" route with my music choice because it varies so much. And I really like your suggestion to make Book Genre a movie genre.

    I enjoyed reading about your favorite genres,

  3. Switchfoot is one of the few Christian bands that I like!

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  4. A little romance in a book is all I need. :)

    I'm a new follower!

  5. Maybe you need to start a movement for book genre!
    Thanks for participating in my blogfest.

  6. I really like movies made from books too!

  7. Movies made from books are usually fun...unless it's a great book and then they screw it up. Then it sucks. haha. Hunger Games was amazing, I thought they did a great job on that!! And I loved Shiver...or anything by Maggie Steifvater for that matter.

    Great answers. Plus, I read your blurb on The Newstead Project. It sounds really cool and you totally described how I feel about writing. Nothing makes me as happy. So, I'm following you now, cause it sounds like we have good stuff in common. Nice to meet you!

  8. I'm a fan of movies made from books, although they always let me down. :D

  9. I'm obsessed about The Hunger Games too. Can't get enough. :)

  10. I'm always nervous to watch movies made about books I loved. What if they stink? That said, I do love The Hunger Games! I think they did a nice job with the movie, too. :)

  11. Hi, Melanie. It's good to meet you. *waves* Thanks for sharing. Our tastes differ, but it's nice to get a different take on things. Take care.


  12. Hi, Melanie,

    LOVED Hunger Games. My jaw dropped in the theatre, especially when they entered into the city in that oh-so-cool train!

    I can so relate to your comment "If it's well written ...." I agree. A good story is a good story, even if it's on a cereal box ... LOL.

    NIce to meet you, I'm a new follower.

  13. Melanie, I've enjoy some movies that have been made from books I've read. I will admit here that there have been a few of them that have had me stomping my foot in frustration--"Wait a dag gone minute, that never happened in the book! Now why did they have to go a ruin a perfectly good character with that crappy thing?"

    I like an element of romance in most of my entertainment.


  14. What usually bothers me when watching a movie after reading the book is how much I constantly interupt the movie, shouting, "Hey! That's not what happened in the book!"

    I usually have to watch the movie a couple more times before I can really enjoy it.

    Then again, I've watched many movies that made me run to thd book store and buy the book. I still compare book to movie, but it's different.

    Now, believe if or not, I watched The Hunger Games last night for the very first time. I LOVED it! Yay?!

    Nice to meet you. I'm a new follower! *waves hi*

    1. Hi back.
      I couldn't agree more (sigh) Actually, I didn't read Twilight until after I saw the first movie.

  15. I felt like a politician on all of them because I like so many different genres in each category. I did ultimately pick a category each, but they would have been different on a different day.

    My Genre Favorites & Guilty Pleasures
