I’m back. Last week I’d
planned on taking my computer on a much needed writer’s retreat. My goal:
finish the sixteen short story pieces for this October’s release of Sister’s
Grimm. But like everything in life, plans change. I left the computer at home.
It was a last second decision, but it was the right one. I’d told myself not
having WiFi would be enough to keep me focused on my work, but as the time drew
near for the trip, I realized that wasn’t entirely true. I could work on Ubooks
all day long without WiFi. So I left it home and brought a nature journal with
me instead. That’s actually how I started writing in the first place, so it
felt right, and it was. I jotted out the rest of the stories and had plenty of
time left to enjoy nature and some time with my son. Win. Win.
Also, today is the
last Friday of the month, which makes it time to review some goals. I’m part of
an initiative began by Misha Gericke, where you make a
long term goal (five years) and review how it’s going each month. My goal is to
have a world class publishing house. How’s it going? Very, very well. For years
I never solicited authors because I didn’t think I could give them anything
they couldn’t get for themselves. Let’s face it; an indie author can hire an
editor, cover designer, marketer and sell the book themselves. Why would they
need me taking a piece of their pie? I didn’t want to take on an author unless
I thought I could really be of use
to them. And now I can.
With Ubooks*.
I truly believe they’re
going to be huge. Think about it: combining books with music, no limits on
backgrounds and fonts—and best yet—they’re free.
So what does this
have to do with my goal of having a world-class publishing house? Simple. No
one else is publishing Ubooks; they can’t; there’s a patent pending on them. While
they’ll never replace books—and I don’t want them to—they’re a creative new way
for author’s to reach their readers on a much deeper, more personal level, and
let’s face it; it’s another avenue for revenue. Early on when I came up with
this crazy thing, I decided to be generous, very generous. Authors will receive
40% gross on all monies received (from commercials). And if they come with a
cover, they will receive even more (5%). The only exceptions to this are
picture books. Author and illustrator will each get 25%. Why so generous, you
might ask? Simple. Author’s with something to gain will promote more. Another win/win.
Right now I’m looking at/for flash fiction and picture books. Later, when this
idea takes root, I’ll take on full length novels. If you’re interested, feel
free to submit your work to me at melanie@melanieschulz.com
. For some of you, I’ve been stalking your pieces, so don’t be surprised if I
email you in the next few months with an offer.
Have a great weekend!