Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Reveal Day

Hello everyone! Here it is, election day (Yeh!), my birthday (double yeh!!), and the day I reveal my cover and Swag giveaway (triple yeh!!!)

Here it is! The lovely Swag available for free on my website melanieschulz.com- just go to the storefront tab and it will pop up. I also have bookmarks and will be giving ten of those with each cinch sac. I tried very hard to chose something meaningful to the story, so in the end I picked these, because it is in THE NEWSTEAD PROJECT that Joel begins going to school at Newstead.

Also for my cover reveal:
Isn't it lovely?
I know I also promised to show my trailer for the Newstead Project, but I'm waiting for permission to use the song I've chosen and I'm learning the hard way that things take way longer than I think they should. 
Now on to the post I'd planned to write today, election day. It's one of my favorite literary quotes on what it means to be an American:
The Declaration and the song came together in her mind and she thought: God is America's king. She thought: Americans won't obey any king on earth. Americans are free. That means they have to obey their own consciences. No king bosses Pa; he has to boss himself. Why (she thought), when I am a little older, Pa and Ma will stop telling me what to do and there isn't anyone else who has a right to give me orders. I will have to make myself be good.
Her whole mind seemed to be lighted up by that thought. This was what it means to be free. It means, you have to be good. "Our father's God, author of liberty-" The laws of nature and nature's God endow you with the right to life and liberty. Then you have to keep the laws of God, for God's law is the only thing that gives you the right to be free.
- Laura Ingalls Wilder, Little Town on the Praire
Have a wonderful day everyone!


  1. Happy birthday!
    Happy election day (I hope)
    And happy reveal day. (wait. did that sound okay?)

    I *love* your book cover!
