Tuesday, September 13, 2011


My third novel, ACQUISITION gets more into this topic than the other two. But it was inevitable. One of my main characters was a Nazarite, and where there is a Nazarite there is always a Jezebel.
It is difficult to know which comes first. It the Nazarite created to counter a Jezebel? Or is the Jezebel sent to destroy the Nazarite?
The Jezebel’s always use the same tools: seduction. Even after Delilah betrayed Samson over and over again he kept taking her back. Why? He wanted her, he lusted for her. She had her hooks in so deep he couldn’t imagine wanting anyone else.
Until she destroyed him.
That’s what my third novel is loosely based on. The seduction. The fall.
Being a Psychiatric Nurse in today’s society, I didn’t need the story of Samson and Delilah to inspire me. The world around is enough of an inspiration.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


This is different than just someone from Nazarith. I’m also not talking about someone taking a Nazarene Vow. That was started with them. I’m talking about something started with God, before the child was even born; usually before he was even conceived.
This topic has been of interest to me for some time, because for many years I suffered from infertility. So I’d study the Bible and find solace in woman like myself whose wombs remained empty. During that time I came across an interesting concept, one that was repeated twice. The long infertile woman was told that they were going to have a baby. Yeh! But more importantly that child would be set aside for God. They could not drink any fermented beverages the entire duration of their pregnancy.
I’m sure they thought: No problem, as long as I get to hold a baby of my own.
The two babies I’m referring to grew up to be Samson, and John the Baptist. While the Bible doesn’t mention the abstaining from alcohol part in regards to Elijah, there are enough similarities between him and the other two that he is often considered a Nazarite, as well. The long hair that was never cut, the wandering in the wilderness, wearing camel’s hair. And the fact that there was a Jezebel. Where ever there is a Nazarite, there is a Jezebel. Samson had his Delilah, John the Baptist his Herodias, And Elijah his Jezebel. Next week I will focus on that topic.