It’s the first Wednesday
of the month, making it IWSG time. Thanks to Alex J. Cavanaugh and co-hosts for
putting this on. It’s a great spot to shout your insecurities to the world. To
realize you’re not alone. I’ve been part of this group for years now, so it
feels like I’ve pretty much laid it all out there. But some insecurities just don’t
seem to go away. Like the fear of rejection. I haven’t submitted anything to an
agent/press for a long time, so I thought I was over this one, or removed from
it, anyway. But then I got a stinger. A few weeks ago I submitted an application
to participate in a conference as a publisher. It’s the first time I’ve done it
from the other side of the table. After some time I received a rejection. The
same dull pounding came back. A rejection? Why? Because our publishing company
is too small, too new, and frankly too out there. And then I remembered why I
left the traditional publishing world in the first place. Too cookie-cutterish.
Now I know that sounds like sour grapes, and maybe part of it is. But part of
it’s not. I kinda like being too out there. How about you?