Five Year Goal review time. Thanks to Misha Gericke for putting this on each month. If you don’t
know, this is a group of motivated people who have gone out on a limb and
spoken a dream to the world. And review it each month, again, for all
to see. My dream is to have a world-class publishing
company. I feel very ridiculous saying
that. Who makes their dream that big? I guess I do.
How it’s going: Good. Right now I’m waist
deep in a project that I’m super excited about. I’m turning my first novel, The
Newstead Project, into a Ubook. Now, for those of you unfamiliar with the
process, that doesn’t sound like anything special. Ubooks are incredibly
labor intensive, so this project of mine is going on a year in the making.
There are 12,544 frames in this book, each one hand made. 120 chapters, each
one timed and spaced and set to music by yours truly. The goal is to have it
completed on September 3, exactly seven years from the day I started writing
it; which leaves me a little over a month to pull this thing off. Do you think I can do it? Here’s hoping.
See you in August with an update,